Pinggang Pinoy

Pinggang Pinoy: Go! Glow! Grow!
Pinggang Pinoy (Filipino Plate) is a visual tool developed by the Food and Nutrition Research Institute of the Department of Science and Technology to help Filipinos acquire healthy eating habits.
Half of a Pinggang Pinoy should have fruits and vegetables (Glow). Vegetable portions should be larger. The other half of the plate is divided into rice (Go) and fish (Grow), with rice having a bigger portion size. The glass next to the plate represents water, for emphasizing the importance of drinking ample amounts of water and less sugary drinks.
GO food = bowl of rice
GROW food = fish like tilapia
GLOW = banana and malunggay leaves
glass of water = sufficient water intake
jogging figure = regular physical activity

Photos of actual meals based on Pinggang Pinoy to be added to this page soon!
nice argument senator armstrong, why dont you back it up with a source
MY source is that I made it tf up.