Goldilocks Polvoron

Goldilocks Canada has referred to polvoron as “Manila shortbread,” dubbing it a “Filipino delight that’s a sweet mixture of toasted flour, milk, butter and sugar cooked and then molded.” They’ve sold it plain or flavored with cashew, pinipig (a special roasted rice crisp), ube, peanut and chocolate-honey-almond.
Red Ribbon, a Philippine bakeshop company that can be considered Goldilocks’ rival particularly in overseas Filipino markets, now also has polvoron, which it describes as “creamy goodness of milk, sugar and toasted flour.” The lineup of their flavors: Classic, Pinipig, Peanut
Such a different shape from pulboron as we knew it growing up. These really are closer to “shortbread cookies” than the crumbly pressed powder treats that Filipinos of earlier generations enjoyed in all messiness.
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